***ВАЖНО*** Перед покупкой запустите тест и сверьте подходят ли эти ответы именно Вам***
После покупки Вы получите файл с ответами на вопросы которые указаны ниже:
1. She ordered me …
*to not shout
*not shouting
*not shout
*not to shout
2. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. My teacher always
B. I am preparing
C. She is studying
D. They never
E. gives me extra homework
F. for my exams now
G. abroad at the moment
H. go to school together
3. They … pretty tough times at school these days
*are having
*is having
4. You … leave your car here, it’s forbidden
*don’t have to
5. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. Rarely does
B. Little did
C. Under no circumstances
D. Scarcely had Kate arrived in Moscow when she
E. she has her flowers watered
F. she does to save me
G. should she put herself in danger
H. was arrested
6. Match the parts to make the sentences
A. We are working faster these days so
B. She was late because
C. I can come in order
D. He stayed up late due
E. as to finish the work on time
F. of the weather
G. to help you
H. to the weather conditions
7. Benedict Cumberbatch … a talented actor
* is
8. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I need him to help me with decorating our room, I’m leaving soon
2 In this case, I can help you, dear
3 Hey, mom. Where’s Jack?
4 He’s still at school, why?
9. Gregory is highly enthusiastic … completing the tests
10. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. At this time on Tuesday
B. By this time on Tuesday
C. Next week
D. At this time every day
E. he will be sunbathing
F. he will have finished sunbathing
G. he is going to sunbathe
H. the train to Dijon leaves
11. … people aren’t happy because of their jobs
12. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He was playing with his cat when
B. You were chopping the vegetables while
C. Did you know
D. Were you talking on the phone with someone else when
E. it bit him
F. I was making coffee
G. they were getting married?
H. I called you?
13. … people don’t see the difference between us
14. You need … hard to get what you want
*to work
*to working
15. When we arrived at the hotel, the maid … up in our room
*were still cleaning up
*still cleaned
*was still cleaning
*was cleaning still
16. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We usually
B. Last night we
C. We have just started
D. Tomorrow we
E. go to the theatre on Mondays
F. stayed up late
G. completing the exercise
H. will go to the club
17. I quit University … the fact that I needed to study
*due to
*so that
*in case
18. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What do you usually do to resist stress?
2 Well, I try to sleep as much as I can. Do you think that’s enough?
3 That’s a huge part of dealing with it, yeah. You should try breathing practices as well
4 I don’t really believe that would help me… But okay, I’ll try!
19. … abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better job
*To study
*To studying
20. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He should have
B. My mother has always been able
C. My friend can
D. Jake could
E. stayed out of our fight
F. to contact me at any time
G. make great jokes
H. cook well when he was a chef
21. Faster! Put your clothes … and let’s go!
22. You will be rich if you … a rich man
*will marry
*would marry
*will have married
23. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He isn’t at home. He
B. If you need help, you
C. We’re on a playground, you
D. If you are no longer thirsty, you
E. must be on his way to work
F. can always rely on me
G. mustn’t smoke here
H. don’t have to finish your coffee
24. He ordered us … of the house
*getting out
*got out
*to get out
*get out
25. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. We need to go to the shop as we ran
B. If to compare myself with a machine, I run
C. Last week I ran
D. We are doing everything in our powers to run
E. out of milk
F. on positive emotions and coffee, otherwise I hardly function
G. into our furious headmaster
H. away from negative feelings
26. I … the door long before we came in.
*will close
*had closed
27. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I am, but i don’t think I get as much pleasure from it as I want to.
2 Here it is, we’ve just found the problem. Try doing something different, maybe you’ll like it more!
3 I feel like I’m doing something wrong. I have a nice job, a better family, and I still don’t feel happy
4 That’s pretty common for people your age. Are you fully satisfied with your work?
28. I hope … this year successfully
*to finish
*to finishing
29. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. The house
B. We
C. Dinner
D. My child
E. was built last summer
F. were not invited to the wedding
G. was prepared on time
H. was brought up well
30. I’m sorry … this, but I quit
*to say
*to saying
31. You were the first one … that question
to ask
to asking
32. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I know only one thing: I need
B. Do you want
C. I’ll never forget
D. Are we rich enough
E. to feed my cat!
F. to stay with us tonight?
G. meeting you for the first time
H. to buy a house?
33. If you … your bag here, our maid will replace it when she comes
34. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I’ve heard that you’re a vegan. Is that true?
2 Yes, it is. Why do you ask?
3 I’m really interested in it these days. I’m thinking of going vegan too
4 That’s great! I think you should start small. Try avoiding meat at first
35. Last night she wrote two articles, sent two letters and … to bed
*had gone
*was going
36. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I’m cooking some pasta with cheese and I was wondering if you would like some
2 I’m not that hungry, I think I can wait. Why do you ask?
3 That sounds good, I’ll join you!
4 Would you like to have dinner now or an hour later?
37. She is … woman I know
*the most beautiful
*more beautiful
*the beautifullest
*most beautiful
38. This morning our boss said he would resign …
*that day
*a week ago
39. My flowers … by Ann every day
*will watered
*are watered
*were watered
*is watered
40. You definitely take … your mother. You’re so similar!
41. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I think my flat was broken
B. I wanted her to bring my phone
C. The lack of positive emotions can bring
D. At first, I need to bring
E. into
F. back
G. on depression
H. up my child
42. I … about buying a new phone
*am thinking
43. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I don’t know yet. I don’t really want to
2 Why is that? Do you love them so much?
3 When are you planning to move from your parents’ house?
4 It’s not only about that. Their house is located pretty close to my work, so it’s quite convenient
44. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. The cars
B. My cat
C. She
D. Our neighbours
E. were moved to the parking lot
F. was fed twice yesterday
G. was taught English well
H. were asked to be quieter
45. Lions and tigers can … in zoos
*be seen
*be seed
*are seen
46. If she had asked me that question, I … to her more
*will talk
*would talked
*would have talked
47. We should get an umbrella … it rains, because it might
*in case
*due to
48. My house … ten years ago
*was built
*will build
*were build
*were built
49. He … he wanted to close his cafe
*was saying
50. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I agree, let’s do it. I will open the door instead
2 It’s a bit cold in here, don’t you think? May I close the window?
3 Is this such a confidential meeting? Okay then
4 What about turning on the conditioner instead of closing the door? In this case no one will hear us
51. She was there at that time. She must … it, I’m sure
*have stolen
*has stolen
*have stealing
*is steal
52. He told me he … for half an hour before he left
*had been waiting
*has been waiting
*is waiting
53. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. You should keep away
B. I believe in you, keep
C. The class is getting further, you should keep up
D. I think she is keeping something
E. from the wild animals
F. on working!
G. with them
H. from me
54. She said she … me the day before at the restaurant
*have had
*had seen
*had quit
*had dance
55. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 I’m afraid so. I hated this idea, but it’s settled
2 Why is that?
3 Is it true that you’re planning to move to another city next year?
4 My husband was sent there to work and I’m leaving with him
56. You need … an education to apply for this job
*to be
*to go
*to have
*to write
57. … has been my obsession since childhood
*Will sing
*Was sing
58. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What do you do for a living?
2 I’m an accountant, I work for my father
3 In this case you must really like your job!
4 Sure, I do, my dad is the best boss
59. If you hadn’t moved the keys to another place, I … them
*will find
*would have found
*would find
*have find
60. She … baseball when she was a child
61. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. That was so rude from her, never put
B. If you put your clothes
C. That’s so rude, don’t put people
D. I would like to put
E. up with such offensive statements
F. on faster, we won’t be late
G. down like that
H. off our meeting, I’m in trouble
62. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Have you tried rebooting it?
2 There is something wrong with my phone, I cannot charge it
3 Yes, I have, and it didn’t work
4 What seems to be the problem?
63. She wants … home today
*to staying
*to stay
64. We don’t have … extra towels for the guests
65. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What were you doing?
2 When did you get this scar?
3 Last summer. I hate it!
4 I was riding my bicycle and suddenly fell
66. … of the clients are satisfied with our help, we did a good job
67. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 What is it like to study so much? You barely get out of your house!
2 I love it so much I cannot do anything else. It really is good for me
3 But you hardly see your friends! That’s the first time I’ve seen you in two weeks
4 I do feel bad about not seeing my friends as much as they want to see me, but I'm working on it!
68. Text him. He … be at work by now
*has to
*have to
69. It was … task of all
*the harder
*the most hardest
* the hardest
70. Put the phrases in the order to make a dialog:
1 Well, I like going to the gym once in a while, it helps me stay healthy and happy
2 In this case, can you say that you’re an athletic person?
3 What do you usually do when you’re bored?
4 Not really. I go there to enjoy physical activity, not to get really strong
Иностранный язык
Английский язык.ои(dor_СПО_ОУД) (2/2)
Тема 9. Давайте жить дружно: семья, друзья, коллеги и взаимоотношения между людьми (Relationships: friends, family, character and behavior)
Тема 10. Терпение и труд все перетрут: как добиться своего и преодолеть стресс? (Where there’s a will, there’s a way)
Тема 11. Права и обязанности (Rights and Responsibilities)
Тема 12. Следи за собой: будь осторожен! (Опасности, болезни и травмы – как сохранить здоровье и мир вокруг нас)
Тема 13. Дом, милый дом (Homes and neighborhoods)
Тема 14. Коммуникация и технологии (Newspapers and Media. Space Technology)
Тема 15. Что день грядущий нам готовит: мечты, надежды и стремления. Образование в России и за рубежом
Тема 16. Страны и континенты. Путешествия. Культурные особенности. (Geographical Features. Travel. Art and Design)